
a poem by Hadara Bar-Nadav

fine press edition limited to 50 copies
8 x 8 inches, one sheet
ISBN n/a


Hadara Bar-Nadav’s poem was hand set in American Uncial, a typeface designed by Victor Hammer at Wells College and first cast in 1943. The type is adorned with a printer’s ornament printed in copper-colored ink, and the poem illustrated by shoe prints created using black carbon paper, all on Stonehenge Pearl Grey paper. Fifty copies in all, 8 x 8 inches in size, have been signed in pencil by both poet and printer, Denise Brady, who also hand numbered each copy. Copyright and credits were printed on the reverse.

This letterpress broadside was produced at Gibraltar Editions during the summer of 2016 in conjunction with the Invisible Cities Book Project, a collection of over seventy prints organized by Karen Kunc. Copy number one will be bound at Constellation Studios into that collaborative book.

fountain shoe soles in the press.jpg
Martin Magnuson